随着人们生活水平的提高,“广 场舞大妈”们掀起了一场广场舞热潮,甚至把广场舞跳出了国门。请以广场舞为主题,完成一篇文章,内容包括:
1. 描述当前广场舞的现状
3.陈述利 弊以及表明个人态度
It is a common phenomenon that people, inc ludi ngthe e Iderly people as well as some young people, will gather in the dancing square late in the evening due to the fact that people s physical and
mental life develop rapidly.
When it comes to square dance, it is univer sally acknow ledged that it makes a tremendous di fference to people’ s life. For instance, not only dancing women promote people’s relat ionship but also it
makes contr ibut ionsto people' s hea Ith. However, dancing has some disadvantagesof its own despite its advantages. When dancing, the dancing women play loud mus ic unconsciously, which gives rise to dissatisfact i on.
Personally speaking, I am definitely in favor of such behav iors. By the way,I do hope the dancing women can try their best to regulate the volume of music. Only in this case can we create a harmon ious community together.
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