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当前位置:湖北自考网 > 2004年4月高等教育自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题


湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2005-10-20 00:00:00
Ⅰ。Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part of the following statements or best completes them:(30%)

  1.Unlike cereals and other farm goods, which the Uruguay round aimed to bring within the GATT‘s jurisdiction for the first time, oilseeds already fall within it.( )

  A. justification B. authority C. justice D. announcement

  2.Speculators profited handsomely from the price fluctuation of the 1990s.( )

  A. stability B. flexibility C. volatility D. regulation

  3.In this project everybody does his own share of the work.( )

  A. participation B. portion C. promotion D. production

  4.The treaty stipulates a member‘s obligations and benefits.( )

  A. privilege B. duty C. ability D. action

  5. Facing the challenge of cheap American corn in the 1870s, Danish farmers developed a lucrative market exporting butter, eggs, and bacon to the UK.( )

  A. smooth B. profitable C. substantial D. sophisticated

  6.It is not a blueprint for how the single market will actually work.( )

  A. detailed plan B. blue color

  C. legal framework D. blue printer

  7.In this area, some foreign investors can enjoy tax breaks.( )

  A. intervals B. preferential gaps

  C. rests D. preferential policies

  8.The foreign company locates an agent in Shanghai.( )

  A. situates B. secures C. places D. flourishes

  9.The store discounted all clothing for the sale.( )

  A. expanded on scale B. extended to some degree

  C. put to an end D. reduced in price

  10.Major suppliers to the Hong Kong egg market are making greater efforts to increase the

  competitiveness of their products.( )

  A. capability of competition B. possibility of competition

  C. probability of competition D. competitor

  11.There is a rigid export quota in that country.( )

  A. flexible B. stupid C. rapid D. stiff

  12.Foreign trade plays a major role in the Four Modernizations program.( )

  A. part B. rule C. partner D. roll

  13. Businessmen battled with bureaucracy in an effort to fulfill their hopes.( )

  A. turn out B. fill out C. carry out D. come out

  14.Some Western experts are predicting that China could become the world‘s dominant economy in the near future.( )

  A. directing B. proceeding C. indicating D. foretelling

  15.There were no breakthroughs in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations on key elements.( )

  A. achievements B. failures

  C. accommodations D. sluggishness

  Ⅱ。Translate the following phrases into Chinese:(10%)

  16.trade fairs and exhibitions

  17.preferential tax rate

  18.vested interests

  19.export quota

  20.government procurement

  21.European integration

  22.bilateral pacts

  23.countervailing duty

  24.fledgling industries

  25.deinflationary policies

  Ⅲ。Translate the following phrases into English:(10%)











  Ⅳ。Read the following passages and answer the following questions in English:(18%)

  passage 1

  The company‘s new formula was designed partly to keep Coke’s sales growing overseas. Compared with Americans, who guzzle more soda than water, the rest of world is still in the sipping stage. Coca-Cola‘s goal is to kick up its slowing growth rate outside the U.S. from about 3% a year to 10%. Company executives think a less filling, more “guzzleable” new Coke will help.

  Domestically, sales of soft drinks have been bubbling a long nicely. They grew 6% last year, vs. 2% to 3% a few years ago. But the cola makers may experience more growing pains, at least with the high-calorie colas that account for half of all sales (diet colas hold about 12%)。 Baby-boomers are showing a strong preference for healthier, less fattening drinks as they age-every-thing from diet soda to bottled water to fruit juice.

  36.What is the difference between “guzzle” and “ sip” in meaning

  37.What does “less filling” mean

  38.Could you tell the reason why there is a slow increase of high-calorie-cola sales

  Passage 2

  Zhangjiagang is a commercial hub of Jiangsu, the fastest-growing province in China. China has the most dynamic economy in the world today. Its boom radiates from Guangdong, its richest province, but it has spread as far west as Xingjiang, where foreign investors are searching for oil and other natural resources. It is creeping inland, from Jiangsu to the cities of Congqing and Wu-han, where businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan are starting to spend billions of dollars to build factories. And it has penetrated the northeast, where the city of Shengyan, long a moribund center of state industry, is bustling with new private business, from trading companies to prostitution. Back in Beijing, officials at China‘s state council, or cabinet, are giddy with excite-ment-and exhaustion. “We don’t have people, we don‘t have time,” says one. “Things are moving too fast.”

  After a slowdown through 1990, China‘s economy bounced back mightily, reaching a recent peak of 13 per cent growth last year. Now, some Western experts are predicting that China could become the world’s dominant economy early in the 21st century.

  39.What do the phrases “dynamic economy” and “the world‘s dominant economy” mean

  40.What is the meaning of “We don‘t have people” in the underlined sentence

  41.What are some Western experts predicting

  Ⅴ。Read the following two passages and decide whether the statements are true or false. Mark T for true and F for false in the brackets given:(20%)

  Passage 1

  In April, the EC imposed a ban on livestock, meat and dairy products from 18 eastern countries following an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in Croatia. Hungarian Foreign Minister Geza Jeszenszky told EC leaders that the “entirely unwarranted (move) smacks of a most regrettable survival of the notion of an Eastern bloc.”

  The EC followed with antidumping duties and “voluntary” export restraints on certain steel products from Hungary and Poland. And just days after signing the EFTA free trade agreement in early April, Austria introduced import quotas on chemicals, cement agricultural machinery, and steel from Eastern Europe. West Europeans claim that their eastern neighbors have an unfair advantage because of low wages, state subsidies and low environmental standards.

  Although the EC and EFTA agreements are supposed to lift tariffs and trade barriers on most industrial goods over 10 years, most agricultural products are not included in the agreements. This is critical for Hungary, with its extensive farm sector.

  “The EC is never going to let Hungary achieve its potential output,” says Iowa David Andres, who has studied Hungarian agriculture firsthand ,“ They‘re already afraid of Hungary.”


  42. “In April, the EC imposed a ban on livestock, meat, and dairy products from 18 eastern countries following an outbreak of hoof and mouth, disease in Croatia.” Here imposed a ban means shut out imports. ( )

  43. With the EC and EFTA agreements, there will hardly be any improvement in exports of Eastern Europe‘s agricultu



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